Art Classes for Members
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Introduction to Oil Painting for Beginners - Leigh Lassiter – January 22nd & 23rd
Wednesday & Thursday, January 22, 23, 10:00-3:00 $92/$101/$111
This introductory class will cover the essentials to begin painting in oils. We will discuss supplies including paints, brushes, surfaces and mediums. Interactive lessons will emphasize color mixing and achieving the desired color hue, value and intensity. Students will be executing a series of exercises, not a completed painting. Paint, brushes, and surfaces will be provided. See the student supply list for what you will need to bring to class.

Next Step Oil Painting - Linda Bruening – January 28th & 29th
Tuesday & Wednesday, January 28, 29, 9:30-3:30 $106/$118/$130
This class will build upon your current working knowledge of oil painting. You will learn more about mixing colors and those important neutrals (grey tones); what to look for in choosing a subject matter; the importance of the correct format and canvas size; and how to develop a strong composition. You will learn to work with the alla prima and impasto techniques and the principals of design to make your paintings “pop”. The course includes a series of exercises and at least one painting. Prerequisite: Introduction to Oils or a basic knowledge of oil paints. Students provide most supplies. Intermediate (1 hour lunch)

Explore Abstraction - Oil, Acrylic, Pastel, Watercolor, Mixed Media - February 4th & 5th
Tuesday & Wednesday, February 4, 5, 9:30-3:30 $96/$108/$120
Google’s definition of abstract art is “art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality”. This class will discuss the history of the Abstract Art movements, explore the techniques and styles developed, and explore the expressive use of shapes, lines, colors and textures used to create an abstract art work. You will work a series of abstract exercises before creating your own abstract paintings. Students furnish their own supplies. All levels. (1 hour lunch)

Watercolor Basics – Jean Smyth - February 10th & 11th
Monday & Tuesday, February 10, 11, 10:00-3:00 $77/$87/$96
This class is for those who have always wanted to try watercolor and those who have tried watercolor and want to “brush up.” The basics will be emphasized. We will examine types of paper, brushes, setting up the palette, and paints. Simple techniques will be demonstrated. We will paint a floral painting on the first day and a simple landscape on the second day from your photo or examples provided. Beginner

Drawing – Pencil on Newsprint - Bonnie Bessette – February 12th
Wednesday, February 12, 1:00-3:00 $20/$22/$24
This class will introduce students to the concept of left and right brain. You will learn how to shift from the verbal left side to the creative right side of your brain, as well as how they differ, what their strengths are, and how we can get familiar with each. Exercises will include shifting from left side to right, understanding contour, and several live model exercises.

Loving Landscapes - Courtney Herndon – February 13th & 14th
Thursday & Friday, February 13, 14, 10:00-3:30 $86/$97/$108
Please come paint our beautiful world with me. We will be exploring and enhancing our photos to convey our love of the land and sea. We will be mixing paints and putting into practice sound color theories, bringing life to our pictures, with big brushes, the right values, and lots of thought. “A loose painting is not loosely done.” A demo each day, ocean and fresh water, and a lot of personal painting time. (30 minute lunch)

ART FOR KIDS - Ashleigh Corsino: Class 1: Drawing - February 15th
Saturday, February 15, 2:00-4:00 – $30 2nd through 5th Grade
Come develop your drawing skills. In this class we will work with graphite and charcoal to learn several drawing and sketching techniques. Students will complete a still life drawing. (All supplies included)

A Crash Course in Composition/Medium: paper, pen, pencil, other choice of painting/drawing materials Brittney Carbone – February 17
Monday, February 17, 10:00-2:00 – $34/$38/$42
A scary word to some, but a necessity for all: Composition. This class will use exercises to break down the intimidation of starting an artwork. Some of the exercises will include: Practicing thumbnail sketches in different time formats; Using a ballpoint pen to limit the ability to erase; Learn about different compositional structures and what is the best choice for your subject of work. The culmination of the exercises will be to create a one-hour painting with your preferred drawing or painting medium. The goal of this class is to walk away with more confidence in starting an artwork and preparing your design.
Intermediate (30 minute lunch)

“Recipe Style" Artwork - Mixed media - Brittney Carbone - February 18
Tuesday, February 18, 10:00-2:00 – $49/$53/$57
Students will create a one-of-a-kind artwork through a step-by-step process of choosing their own “ingredients.” For the novice to the seasoned artist, all will walk away with an appreciation of process and play, and an exciting piece of artwork. Students will experiment with various textures through layering. The step by step process will include a choice of: Materials to use at each step of the process; a compositional structure from a selection of options; a color scheme of preference from suggested paired colors; a design principle to organize the artwork; and a choice of drawing tools to supplement the design. Students are encouraged to explore and implement their own choices at each stage of the “recipe”. Students are welcome to bring their own pieces of collage papers and other materials they may consider to play with, though there will be plenty of materials to choose from. Beginner (30 minute lunch)

Rescheduled – TBD
Using Cold Wax Medium with Oils to Paint Abstracts and Abstracted Landscapes Jude Winkley - February 19th
Wednesday, February 19, 9:30-3:30 $63/$70/$76
This is an opportunity to experiment with Cold Wax Medium with your oil paints. This class will cover characteristics and uses of CWM, through the creation of two paintings: one abstract and one abstracted landscape. Some discussion of composition and pricing. While some experience in oil painting is recommended, it is not necessary. This is the last time this class will be offered. Intermediate/Advanced – Beginners – please call the instructor (910-215-5943)

Watercolor and Collage Mash-up – Brittney Carbone – February 24
Monday, February 24, 10:00-2:00 – $34/$38/$42
Students will create a collaged artwork using their watercolor technique designs. This class will cover various watercolor techniques with different brush applications and added materials. Students will learn how to mix and create colors through a mixing chart, which will serve as a valuable asset to their studio practice. Students will use their exercises to collage and create a design using a provided list of structures.
(30 minute lunch)

Next Step Oil Painting - Linda Bruening – February 25th & 26th
Tuesday & Wednesday, February 25, 26, 9:30-3:30 $106/$118/$130
This class will build upon your current working knowledge of oil painting. You will learn more about mixing colors and those important neutrals (grey tones); what to look for in choosing a subject matter; the importance of the correct format and canvas size; and how to develop a strong composition. You will learn to work with the alla prima and impasto techniques and the principals of design to make your paintings “pop”. The course includes a series of exercises and at least one painting. Prerequisite: Introduction to Oils or a basic knowledge of oil paints. Students provide most supplies. Intermediate (1 hour lunch)

Collaging Out of the Box - Sandy Stratil - February 27th & 28th
Thursday & Friday, February 27, 28, 10:00-4:00 $101/$113/$125
Give your creativity a jump start by painting with paper. This two-day workshop will introduce students to collage using tissue paper, found objects/materials, and photo transfers. There will be demonstrations and discussions about composing with texture and color, gluing methods, photo transfers, and dyeing papers. Students will have plenty of time to work; they will complete at least one small collage and get ideas for many future projects. NOTE: Anyone is welcome to take this workshop, both those who have had it before and new students. No special experience is required. (1 hour lunch)

The Mechanics of Drawing the Face and Hands – 4 Week Series - Linda Bruening March 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th
Tuesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25, 10:00-12:00 $77/$87/$97
This class will help students gain an understanding of the planes and structures of the face and hands. You will learn how to draw the facial features with the head in different positions and the hands in various positions. The beginning exercises will be drawn from life. However, the major drawing will be done from a clear reference photo (a 3/4 view of the person is best for shadows) preferably an 8×10 photograph of someone you wish to portray (Walgreen’s or Walmart can enlarge your photo). In class you will receive various tips and handouts. NOTE: Harry Neely will be teaching a portrait painting class April 15, 22, 29, and May 6. Harry’s “Painting Portraits” class can be used as the next step in working with portraits. Harry will request the reference photo or drawing needs to be the same size as the canvas you bring. In his class Harry requests canvases be in one of these sizes: 9×12, 11×14, or 12×16.

ART FOR KIDS - Ashleigh Corsino Class 2: Art History/ Mixed Media - March 8th
Class 2: Art History/ Mixed Media – Saturday, March 8, 2:00-4:00 – $30 K and 1st Grade
Students will learn about the history of abstract art through the artwork of Wassily Kandinsky. We will practice “synethesia” by painting our feelings to music. Students will also create a mixed media abstract art piece, based on the style of Wassily Kandinsky. (All supplies included)

Scratchboard for Beginners/Intermediate - Emma Wilson – March 10th
Monday, March 10, 10:00-2:30 $58/63/68
Come for a fun day and experience a new art form! Learn the technique of etching into an ink-covered white clay board to create a design (like drawing but you get to trace!). The works create quite an impact of white on black. Different methods will be demonstrated such as hatching, crosshatching, stippling, pointillism, contouring, and etching. Learn how to use special tools to get various effects. Techniques and supplies to color your work will be provided. Beginner/Intermediate. (Supplies included – (30 minute lunch)

Exploring Gouache - Christine Stackhouse - March 17th
Monday, March 17, 12:30-3:30 $39/$42/$46
This class aims to introduce you to the versatility of Gouache (a more heavily pigmented watercolor). We shall look at weights and characteristics of different papers and how they may help to achieve differing results. A demonstration of preparing a work and some technique tips on shadowing and highlighting, and then time for “free play”. The only prerequisite for this class is that you come with the intention of having fun!

Basics and Beyond with Alcohol Ink - Pam Griner – March 19th
Wednesday, March 19, 10:00-3:00 $55/$61/$66
We will explore the process of painting with alcohol ink. In this class you will learn about the medium, the different brands of ink, the paper that works best with the medium, and how to create abstract and landscape paintings. In the afternoon, we will expand your knowledge and discover various painting techniques to create a more advanced look to your work. Beginner/Intermediate (supplies included).

Reduction Block Printing - Lynn Goldhammer – March 24
Monday, March 24, 10:00-3:00 $54/$58/$63
Reduction block printing was developed by Pablo Picasso. Previously when printmaking, a separate block was used for each color. With reduction block printing one block is used, printing from light colors to dark, and continually reducing the surface of the block surface to preserve the previous color. It’s similar to working in watercolors in layering color. A very soft block will be used making the carving process very easy. A block with a design will be provided to learn the process on the first day. On the second day you will create and work on your own design – come with an idea. (supplies included) (1 hour lunch)

Mix It Up with Altered Papers - Carol Gradwohl - March 27th & 28th
Thursday & Friday, March 27, 28, 10:00-3:00 $96/$107/$118
Students will learn how to alter National Geographic magazine pages using Citra Solv. On day one, students will practice using various techniques to create small art and different ways to embellish and create papers for future projects. On the second day, students will learn how to create a collage using their Citra Solv papers and the instructor will demonstrate the use of resin to enhance their work with brilliance and luminosity. All levels. (30 minute lunch break)

Follow Your Intuition (acrylic)- Carol Gradwohl – April 7th
Monday, April 7, 10:00-3:30 $56/$62/$68
Learn about the principles of design and translate them from intentional to intuitive painting to create an expressive beautiful piece of abstract art. This is a relaxing way to loosen up by adding the different elements of art. You will find yourself on a journey by using different layers of paint, color, shapes, textures, and markings to create your own style. No experience necessary for this fun adventure. All supplies included. (30 minute lunch)

Solving the Problem (all media) – Linda Bruening – April 11th
Friday, April 11, 10:00-12:00 – $15.00 (no discounts)
Are you having trouble making decisions about your artwork? Are you asking how can I fix this? Are you stuck and don’t know what to do? Are you having problems mixing the “right” colors or creating the values of light and shadow? How can you make the work “pop”? If these are some of your questions, bring your artwork and your supplies to this class and we’ll work it out.

ART FOR KIDS - Ashleigh Corsino Class 3: Art History/Watercolor - April 12th
Saturday, April 12, 2:00-4:00 – $30 2nd through 5th Grade
Students will learn about the impressionist artist, Richard Segalman. They will practice watercolor techniques and copy a watercolor landscape by Segalman. (All supplies included)

Fibers & Beyond - Connie Genuardi – April 14th
Monday, April 14, 10:30-3:30 $49/$55/$60
Create a one-of-a-kind wall hanging and explore the art medium of Fiber Arts. Dimension, interest and color mixing are all achieved through manipulating various fibers. Knotting, twining, soumak and tapestry techniques will also be explored. Mixing patterns, textures and colors and adding objects such as beads, leather and jewelry add interest to the finished project. The wall hanging will be hung from a branch or bamboo. Approx. size of finished piece is 10”to12”W x 18”to 20”L. (30 minute lunch)

Painting Portraits - 4 Week Series - Harry Neely -April 15th, April 22nd, April 29th, May 6th
Mondays, April 15, April 22, April 29, May 6, 10:00-12:00 $77/$87/$97
You will explore the best way I have found to paint life-like faces. For this class you will need a drawing or photos the same size as your canvas. (You can use a b/w photo on plain paper to transfer the drawing.) You’ll cover how to transfer your drawing, palettes, planes of the face and how to add broken color. The class demos are in oil but artists in any medium can profit from this exercise. Come and share four mornings of revelation and adventure in painting. This is a follow-on class from Linda Bruening’s “The Mechanics of Drawing Face & Hands” class but, Linda’s class is not a requirement.

Discovering Acrylics - Beth Ybarra – April 16th & 17th
Wednesday & Thursday, April 16, 17, 10:00-2:00 $87/$96/$106
Working with a very limited palette, you will learn to mix an amazing range of colors, how to set up your palette, and the basics of working with acrylics. We will also have a short discussion about color theory. Paint, brushes, gesso and palette paper will be provided. Beginner

Explore Abstraction - Oil, Acrylic, Pastel, Watercolor, Mixed Media - Linda Bruening April 23rd & 24th
Wednesday & Thursday, April 23, 24, 9:30-3:30 $96/$108/$120
Google’s definition of abstract art is “art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality”. This class will discuss the history of the Abstract Art movements, explore the techniques and styles developed, and explore the expressive use of shapes, lines, colors and textures used to create an abstract art work. You will work a series of abstract exercises before creating your own abstract paintings. Students furnish their own supplies. All levels. (1 hour lunch)

Beginning Acrylic Pouring – Meredith Markfield – April 26th
Saturday, April 26, 11:00-2:00 $37/$40/$44
This class is an introduction to basic acrylic pouring. Students will learn to mix the paints with flow medium to the proper consistency. They will observe demonstrations of both a “dirty pour flip cup” and a “bottle bottom” pour. Then students will each create their own two paintings. Most supplies included.

Beginning Pastel - Kathy Petz – April 30th
Wednesday, April 30, 1:00-4:00 $39/$42/$46
Always wanted to try soft pastels but don’t know where to start? This class will introduce you to the various brands and types of papers and pastels available and their specific qualities, how to start a painting, and more. Students will do some exercises and get to try out the different supplies. Beginner (supplies included.)

Drawing Basics I - Laureen Kirk – May 7th & 8th
Wednesday & Thursday, May 7, 8, 10:00-3:00 $82/$92/$101
This class will touch on basic concepts in drawing. We will learn about different drawing methods, including gestures and contour. We will learn about the importance of composition, proportion and observation in drawing. We will engage in drawing exercises and complete a still life drawing. Beginner (1 hour lunch)

The Ancient Art of Weaving – Connie Genuardi – May 9th
Friday, May 9, 10:30-3:30 $49/$55/$60
Create a small one-of-a-kind wall hanging by learning the ancient technique of weaving. Dimension, color mixing and patterns are all achieved through a simple weave on a simple loom. Students will first make their own loom and by using yarns, cords and fabric create their own unique weaving. Finished project will be hung from a branch and be approximately 10” wide by whatever length they choose. (30 minute lunch)

ART FOR KIDS - Ashleigh Corsino Class 4: Beginner Plein Air - Watercolor - May 10th
Saturday, May 10, 2:00-4:00 – $30 6th – 8th Grade
Come practice drawing and painting outside! Students will learn about outdoor painting, the best supplies, and will give plein air painting a try. (All supplies included)

Travel Sketching with Watercolor - Ashleigh Corsino – May 12th
Monday, May 12, 10:00-2:00 $44/$48/$52
Let’s go on an adventure! Students will be introduced to the magic of travel sketching. Best materials and examples will be shared, followed by a demonstration and a chance to try you own travel sketching. Please bring a travel sketchbook, pencil, and your own watercolors. Students will receive a micron pen to try out in class and keep. (30 minute lunch)

Intro to Encaustic Wax – Pam Griner – May 13th
Tuesday, May 13, 1:00-3:00 $29/$32/$34
This will be a very basic class to familiarize students with the medium. We will explore different techniques and tools for creating beautiful art using hot wax. The wax can be used alone, over other mediums, or on various substrates. Beginner (supplies included).

Next Step Acrylics – Beth Ybarra – May 14th & 15th
Wednesday and Thursday, May 14, 15, 10:00-2:00 $77/$87/$96
If you have a general understanding of acrylics and color mixing, come join me for the Next Step in Acrylics. We’ll talk about how to transfer your photo image to the canvas and cropping your image for an appealing composition. You’ll also learn about general perspective, value, shapes, and refining those shapes.

Horse Anatomy – Gene Fletcher – May 19th & 20th
Monday & Tuesday, May 19, 20, Info out soon.

Drawing Basics II - Laureen Kirk – May 21st & 22nd
Wednesday & Thursday, May 21, 22, 10:00-3:00 $82/$92/$101
In this class students will add to their drawing toolbox through an exploration of more drawing methods and mark making. An emphasis will be placed on using the element of value, value contrast and shading techniques in your drawings to create the illusion of three dimensionality. We will complete drawing exercises and a small drawing. Intermediate (1 hour lunch)

From Table to Canvas (acrylic) Liz Apodaca – May 27th & 28th
Wednesday & Thursday, May 27 & 28, 8:00-3:00 $91/$102/$113
In this class we will abstractly interpret a plated meal onto a canvas by using acrylic paint and various mediums that support and enhance the paint and images. We will create a beautiful and unique piece of art by connecting the savory and color through the senses. Intermediate
Classes and Workshops
Everyone, member and non-member, can participate in the creative art activities at the League. Regular classes, workshops, demonstrations, and critiques are available for the artist in a variety of media.
Full Members receive a 20% discount on class fee and Associate Members receive a 10% discount on class fee.

Register Early!
Our classes and workshops are taught by well-known highly qualified instructors. Enrollment is limited so early registration is strongly encouraged. Classes which do not meet the minimum number of students may be cancelled, so register promptly to be sure the class you want can be offered. Classes must be paid for at the time of enrollment. Click here for our registration and cancellation policy.

There is a refrigerator, microwave, and coffee maker in the break room for your use. Coffee or tea is 75 cents a cup – make your own. There is a drink machine in the studio area. Restrooms are across from the office.