Learn About Who We Are and Join the Community
About the Artists League
In the early 1990’s, a group of artists worked diligently to create a place and environment where they and others could pursue their artistic goals and realize their dreams of a community of artists. Classes and workshops are open to all and are regularly listed in local publications. Chuck Lunney and Mike D’Andrea led the way. The city of Aberdeen generously provided the place, an old railroad storage terminal, and the work of many artists and local business persons created and shaped the atmosphere. The Artists League developed deep roots, grew vigorously, and is now composed of over 160 members who are housed in the “terminal” that now contains studio space for artists, two large classrooms, two galleries, and a library. The League is now self-sustaining, relying on membership dues, class and workshop income, and donations.

Our Mission
To be a not-for-profit organization providing quality art education and a creative work environment at a reasonable cost to its members and the community of the Sandhills
- Provide members with studio and other space in which to work in a comfortable and creative environment
- Offer high-quality art instruction to our members and the general public at reasonable prices
- Provide creative workshop and classroom facilities for our members
- Provide gallery space for members to display and to give the public an opportunity to view and purchase original artwork
Member Benefits
Associate Member Benefits - $50/Yr:
- 10% Discount on all classes and workshops sponsored by the Artists League
- Receive monthly newsletter, the Palette Talk
- May participate in Still Life Painting, Plein Aire paintouts, Movie day, and other free League sponsored activities
- Access and use of the Art Library
- May attend Board Meetings and be recognized
- May participate in League sponsored community art displays
- May participate in the June judged show
- May rent storage bins when available
Full Member Benefits - $160.00/Yr:
All the benefits of Associate Members, plus:
- 20% Discount on all classes and workshops sponsored by the Artists League
- Eligible to enter your work in multiple shows throughout the year, including our Annual Fall Show and Sale.
- Eligible to vote for Board Members at the Annual Meeting and changes requiring a Special Meeting
- May use Framing and Matting Equipment
- Eligible to exhibit paintings in the Founder’s Gallery for two months
- Eligible to host an individual Gallery Show every two years
May request a Studio by submitting a Studio Questionnaire for Committee Approval (Rental fees are based on the specific size of the available studio and are in addition to the Full Membership fee. Prorated when appropriate (See Studio Fee Policy). Must be an active participating Full Member for six months to apply for a Studio. Studio members are required to actively use their studio for creating their artwork and to assist with various projects at the League.
Free monthly events for members
Artists of all abilities gather at the League to share their talents and energies. A broad range of program opportunities is open to everyone. Membership is open to adults who wish to learn and grow through the creation of art in an encouraging, supportive atmosphere.
There are two levels of membership: Associate and Full Membership. Each level has assigned dues and benefit levels. After six months as a Full Member, members may apply for studio space.
To join: Call, email, or stop in for a Membership Application (new members receive a coupon for an additional 10% off their first class).
Fees: $50 per year for Associate Member
$160 per year for Full Member
Board of Directors
The League has a nine member Board of Directors, who are selected by the membership. Board members each serve three year terms on a stagered basis. Their active leadership inspires the participation of the members in the daily operations of the League.
Kathy Petz
1st Vice President
Janis Loehr
2nd Vice President
Carol Gradwohl
Pam Griner
Barbara Ainsley
Board Members
Liz Apodaca
Colette Coco
Mary Duffy
Melodie Hattes
Leigh Lassiter
Carol Rosenberg
Artists League of the Sandhills Committee Listing - 2025
Aberdeen Liaison | Carol Rosenberg
Building & Grounds | Jan Garber
Collectors’ Choice/ Annual Show | Carol Gradwohl, Debbie Whitley, Melodie Hattes
Community Outreach | Open
Education | Laureen Kirk
Founders’ Gallery | Liz Apodaca
Gallery Exhibits | Nancy Allen
Library | KC Sorvari
Membership | Melodie Hattes, Pam Griner
Scrapbooks | Janet Burdick
Studios | Kathy Petz
Sunshine | Catherine Church
Volunteers | Open
Website | Melodie Hattes (web administrator), Leigh Lassiter, Pam Griner