The Artists League of the Sandhills is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing high quality art education to its members and community. Housed in a converted former train depot in historic downtown Aberdeen, NC, the League offers classes, workshops, studio spaces and a gallery in which its members may exhibit their art. Membership consists of artists working in various 2-dimensional media, who find in the League a supportive and enriching art community.
Artists League of the Sandhills
Gallery, Studios, Classes
Artist-Run Nonprofit Organization in Moore County
Our March Exhibit
Opening Reception:
Friday, March 7, 5:00-7:00
Friday, March 7, 5:00-7:00

Upcoming Classes January - May 2025
Pricing: Full Member/Associate Member/Non-Member

Reduction Block Printing - Lynn Goldhammer – March 24
Monday, March 24, 10:00-3:00 $54/$58/$63
Reduction block printing was developed by Pablo Picasso. Previously when printmaking, a separate block was used for each color. With reduction block printing one block is used, printing from light colors to dark, and continually reducing the surface of the block surface to preserve the previous color. It’s similar to working in watercolors in layering color. A very soft block will be used making the carving process very easy. A block with a design will be provided to learn the process on the first day. On the second day you will create and work on your own design – come with an idea. (supplies included) (1 hour lunch)

Mix It Up with Altered Papers - Carol Gradwohl - March 27th & 28th
Thursday & Friday, March 27, 28, 10:00-3:00 $96/$107/$118
Students will learn how to alter National Geographic magazine pages using Citra Solv. On day one, students will practice using various techniques to create small art and different ways to embellish and create papers for future projects. On the second day, students will learn how to create a collage using their Citra Solv papers and the instructor will demonstrate the use of resin to enhance their work with brilliance and luminosity. All levels. (30 minute lunch break)

Follow Your Intuition (acrylic)- Carol Gradwohl – April 7th
Monday, April 7, 10:00-3:30 $56/$62/$68
Learn about the principles of design and translate them from intentional to intuitive painting to create an expressive beautiful piece of abstract art. This is a relaxing way to loosen up by adding the different elements of art. You will find yourself on a journey by using different layers of paint, color, shapes, textures, and markings to create your own style. No experience necessary for this fun adventure. All supplies included. (30 minute lunch)

Solving the Problem (all media) – Linda Bruening – April 11th
Friday, April 11, 10:00-12:00 – $15.00 (no discounts)
Are you having trouble making decisions about your artwork? Are you asking how can I fix this? Are you stuck and don’t know what to do? Are you having problems mixing the “right” colors or creating the values of light and shadow? How can you make the work “pop”? If these are some of your questions, bring your artwork and your supplies to this class and we’ll work it out.

Plein Aire Painting – Jeremy Sams April 8-10, 2025
Rejuvenate your artistic creativity by painting in the greatest studio of all…the great outdoors! Join award winning acrylic artist, Jeremy Sams in this landscape painting workshop held at the Artist League of the Sandhills. This workshop will focus on the fundamentals of plein air painting and the “how to’s” of capturing the essence of a live scene in your preferred medium.
“En plein air” is a French term for “in the open air”. The focus of plein air painting is painting on location, from life. This style of painting, which was made popular by the impressionists of the 19th century, brings many challenges to the artist. Some of these challenges include:
“How do I get set up for plein air painting?”
“With all the information the outdoors presents, how do you narrow down a subject matter to paint?”
“How do I compose a story through painting?”
“Once you’ve found your subject, how do you organize a pleasing composition?”
“What’s the big deal about ‘values’, and how do you capture them effectively?
“How do I use color temperature to give depth and vibrancy?”
“What do I do about that sunlight that keeps changing so fast?”
“How do you make soft edges and blends in acrylics?”
This workshop will address these challenges through demonstrations, group discussion and personal one on one training to help you face the great outdoors with confidence. All levels, from beginner to intermediate, are welcome.
Full members $400, Associate members $440, Non members $480.

Painting "Painterly" from a Photo Reference – Daniel Graziano September 29, 30, and October 1, 2025
This three-day workshop will focus on painting “alla prima” (all at once) as well as developing greater skills of observation, simplification and quickly painting “wet on wet” to create strong “painterly” paintings. The workshop will also discuss techniques to quickly transfer the important elements of a reference photo to the canvas, creating an artistic painting rather than simply rendering a photograph. This workshop is designed for beginning to advanced painters in both oil and acrylic mediums, however proficiency in basic drawing is required. Participants are encouraged to bring photos to paint from or may choose from photos brought by the instructor.
Our April Show:
Light and Color: A Love Affair with the Sandhills
Featuring the Art of Jennifer Walker
Opening Reception
Friday, April 4, 5:00-7:00
From the clubhouse to the botanical garden and beyond, this collection reflects my delight and enchantment with my new home. As a part-time resident who recently moved to the area full time, I hope to share the sense of wonderment and beauty I feel every time I step outside. I try, through a kind of painterly realism, to capture the light – sunlight filtering through the trees in the morning, light reflecting gold from the pine straw up onto trees, the changing colors of azaleas as they move from light into shade, and the magic of deer in Reservoir Park at sunrise. I’m thankful to be living in such a beautiful place, and if I can share this gift and give someone joy through my art, it’s a win for me.
The exhibition is open through Friday, April 25.

Register for Classes and Workshops
Check out the art classes and workshops offered by the Artists League. Now is a great time to explore a new medium, brush up skills, and have a wonderful artistic time! Many classes are suitable for beginners.
Stop in and visit our 34 studios and enjoy the opportunity to talk with artists at work. While you are here, stroll through the studio area and view the hundreds of paintings in all mediums. The Artists League has the largest selection of artwork in the Sandhills!!!
Look at the amazing art, make a purchase, or get inspired to take a class!

What a great gift idea… give original art or classes!
Not comfortable choosing a class or a painting for someone else?
Purchase an ALS Gift Certificate!
Our art library is like nothing in the county! Hundreds of books with art information and instruction, which our members may check out.
This project is supported by the Arts Council of Moore County, and by the
North Carolina Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources,